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MENTAL MISCELLANY is a collection of all of the smaller releases I have made to the mentalism community over the years, all together in one place for the first time.
At one time, each of the items inside MENTAL MISCELLANY sold individually for the price of this whole bundle! From a collection of pseudo-memory work, to a spectator as mindreader that actually makes sense, to some of the cleanest and simplest ACAAN routines you'll read, these are strong, workable routines that I still use years later.
If you want strong, straightforward mentalism that covers a range of areas, or a taster of my thinking, MENTAL MISCELLANY is for you.
Inside MENTAL MISCELLANY, you'll find:
WINNEBAGO // A spectator-as-mindreader routine where one audience member is able to read the mind of another, even from a different room. The perfect parlour or casual routine.
STAINED GLASS REDUX // My early work on the ACAAN plot. Two methods that are simple, to the point, and easy to do.
ORACLE // My take on pendulum work. A multi phase routine that begins with the performer using a pendulum to divine the identity a selected card and ends with the spirits revealing a playing card that has only been thought of.
NON LETHAL (v1) // What if your participant can intuitively know a single playing card? One envelope is placed in full view, and the participant is asked to generate a playing card in their mind. You know where this is headed. No stooges, no gimmicks, no dual reality and no switches. (An updated handling of this routine appears in my book, IKWYT).
EIDETIC // A small collection of pseduo-memory work, including rapid memorisation of a deck and a multiple phase performance piece with a genuinely shuffled deck.